Analyze and predict revenue of your mobile applications
Get precise user-based LTV and increase ROI for Subscription and Ad revenue monetization models
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Why product managers and marketers choose Magnus?

All marketing intelligence in one platform
Analyze payback periods within sources, campaigns and creatives
Plan marketing expenses based on predicted ROI
Scale successful acquisition campaigns
What else?
All types of in-app revenue
Works with any type of cohort revenue including one-time in-app purchases, subscriptions and in-app advertising
No need to support own backend
Built-in subscription server to help you handle subscriptions retention and statuses
Detailed segmentation for in-app products
Tune the traction of each in-app purchase product depending on acquisition channel and country
Money-oriented AB-tests
Run monetization experiments and split-tests. Optimize not only events number but also financial metrics like LTV, ARPPU, ARPU, etc.
Magnus is a mobile marketing and analytics system. Magnus aggregates and matches data about mobile applications revenue and costs. Based on it, the system counts return of investments, other business KPIs and helps to make decisions for marketers, user acquisition managers, financial managers and product owners. This makes your work more automatic and reduces the time spent on routine identical operations within a big number of ad accounts, ad campaigns, publishers and applications. All the data is aggregated only after users' consent via official APIs. You can connect each of supported platform with a separate authorization process inside Magnus system after Magnus login. The following platforms and metrics are supported.

- Google Admob (Revenue)
- Google Adwords (Marketing Expenses, Impressions, Clicks, Installs)
- Adjust (Revenue, Marketing Expenses, Impressions, Clicks, Installs, Purchases)
- Appsflyer (Revenue, Marketing Expenses, Impressions, Clicks, Installs, Purchases)
- AppLovin (Revenue)
- Appodeal (Revenue)
- ironSource (Revenue)
- Facebook Ads (Marketing Expenses, Reach, Impressions, Clicks, Installs)
- SearchAds (Marketing Expenses, Installs)
- Snapchat (Marketing Expenses, Installs)
- TikTok (Marketing Expenses, Impressions, Clicks, Installs)
- Unity Ads (Marketing Expenses, Impressions, Clicks, Installs, Revenue)

Magnus requests read-only permissions. It is not an automation system and it does not manage or change data itself. Only users authorized by you (i.e. your employees or partners will have access to your data.

Magnus use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

How Magnus makes revenue prediction

Retention functions are rebuilt every day. Derivative metrics are recalculated in real time.
Dataset selection
  • You select date range to define a cohort for analysis.
  • Magnus makes break down to all the sub-cohorts that user belongs to.
Getting actual revenue dynamics
  • System builds actual retention functions for the selected sub-cohorts.
  • Functions are updated in real time while you get new revenue events from selected cohort.
Modeling future revenue
  • Algorithm determines most specific sub-cohorts that describe user retention most accurately.
  • Based on specific and reliable data Magnus builds future cohort revenue predictions
Adjustment of final result
  • Mathematic and machine learning methods refine and adjust the model calculations.
  • You get accurate prediction of future unit-economics metrics and make right marketing decisions.
How to start
Register for Free
Get your account
Setup easy integrations
Wait a little until data is collected and calculated
Get predictions and insights for profitable mobile acquisition strategy
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